Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Year...New You

Start off the new year with a clean slate...let us help you work through your divorce and custody issues.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Make Us Part of Your Plan

If you have decided to end your marriage and need someone to help guide you through the process of divorce, you need us. We are experience and will work hard to protect your parental rights. Please call us, we are here for you.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas from everyone here at Kris Greenwood Law!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Let Us Do All The Fighting

If you have decided to divorce, we can help. We are experienced, professional and fight hard for you. Give us a call.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Help for the Holidays

Splitting holiday time among divorcing couples can be confusing and difficult. We are here to help you reach a fair agreement in such matters. Give us a call.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Holiday Help

The holidays can be a difficult time for a divorcing couple. There are many details that must be figured out about how to share the holidays with their children separately. We are here to help you figure out such details and make sure you know your parental rights. Give us a call, we are here for you.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Experience Eases the Burden

Divorce is difficult to say the least. The terms can be very complicated. You need an experienced attorney to guide you through your divorce so that you know your rights, especially where custody of children is concerned. Call us, let us be your guide.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Divorce Happens

NBA star Tony Parker and Eva Longoria Parker are getting divorced. Even NBA stars need good divorce attorneys and so do you! If you have made the difficult decision to divorce, you need us on your side!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


While divorce transcends all age brackets, the U.S. Census Bureau recently reported that one-fourth of all divorces that occurred in 2008 were by parties married 20 years or longer.

Child custody isn't an issue with this group, it's all about cumalative property. Things can get really complicated. Don't go it alone!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Is Mel Gibson a Fit Parent?

Mel Gibson is seeking sole custody of his child with Oksana Grigorieva. He has been all over the news lately for his rants, threats and allegations against him for domestic violence. Do you think he should be granted sole custody? Divorce and custody attorneys are experienced in dealing with situations just like Mel's, and you need them on your side if you ever decide that divorce is the only answer to yours. Give us a call.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Divorce Modifications

Many times after divorces are granted, the parties experience a change in circumstances. Life altering events occur regularly, such as: a new marriage, moving out of the state or country, a new job with increased pay, etc. Re-evaluating these changes are important and necessary in many situations. Modifications to your Decree will also result in helpful and necessary changes so you can confidently move on with life. We do divorce modifications on a daily basis. It's important for you to know that the Utah Supreme Court has ruled, that in order to initiate a divorce modification there must be a substantial and material change in circumstances. We can help you understand exactly what this means, as well as help you prove it. We will review the facts of your case, organize them, and then articulate them in the proper way. We do our best to resolve modification out of court, but even if a court hearing is necessary, Kristopher K. Greenwood, L.C. is very aggressive and will fight for your rights. We know what to do!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Establishing paternity is essentially the process of determining the biological father of a particular child, and then legally establishing all of the associated rights, entitlements and duties. Paternity establishment may be necessary if the parents are unwed at the time the child is born. DNA testing now makes it possible to determine paternity with nearly 100% accuracy. Once paternity is established, then all related issues, including child support, insurance, medical bills, dental bills, child care, tax exemptions, etc. need to be resolved as well. With so many financial issues on the line, do not try and figure it out alone. Call us now, and we will educate you about all of your legal rights and options. The peace of mind that can result from knowing your rights and having a clear order on them is priceless. Contact us and let us help you work through your issues with paternity.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Experts in...

Our areas of practice include: Divorce, Child Custody, Parent-time (Visitation), Alimony (Spousal Support),Child Support, Property/Asset Division,Debt Division Divorce Modifications, Legal Separation, Adoptions and Paternity.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Helping You Through Your Divorce

Divorce has turned to be very common just like marriage. This is mainly because of the reflection on the bad side of humans. When a couple decides to get separated, they will definitely approach a divorce lawyer. Every state in America is having different rules on divorce. You will be in a complex task of finding the best divorce lawyer in the state to take up your divorce case. It is known to every one that when you begin your divorce procedures, you will not get any time to deal with many other aspects in your life and your life will be filled with many queries and answers. Definitely all the divorce proceedings are going to take long time to get completed. You can take an initiative from your side in order to complete the procedures within a short time frame. This can be done by assigning the job to an efficient divorce lawyer who will be able to handle your case in the most favorable situations. Kristopher K. Greenwood IS that efficient divorce lawyer.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The First Step is Calling Us...

If you are considering a divorce, it is vital that you know what your rights are. Give us a call, let us assist you.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Utah does reward for alimony. One of the main things that is considered when deciding on alimony is the standard of living, which exists at the time of separation. The court must consider all relevant facts and equitable principles and may, in its discretion, base alimony on the standard of living that existed at the time of trial. In marriages of short duration, when no children have been conceived or born during the marriage, the court may consider the standard of living that existed at the time of the marriage. Give us a call and let us help you with all you need to know about divorce and alimony.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Moving Laws

When either parent decides to move out of state, or at least 150 miles from their current residence, that parent shall provide 60 days advance written notice of the intended relocation to the other parent, if possible. Make sure you know your rights, let us help!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Divorce Settlement

The 3 Most Expensive Celebrity Divorce Settlements: #3-Steven Spielberg and Amy Irving, estimated settlement: $100 million. #2-Neil Diamond and Marcia Murphey, estimated settlement: $150 million. #1-Michael and Juanita Jordan, estimated pending settlement: well over $150 million. Whatever your potential settlement may be, big or small, let us help you get what you deserve.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Utah 90 Day Divorce Waiting Period!

Utah has a 90 day waiting period with most divorces and this can only be expidited in certain situations. Give us a call to see if we can help you.

Monday, October 4, 2010

One Size Fits All?

Most legal matters involving families can be painful and hard to deal with – even under what might be considered “good” circumstances. An inflexible, one-size-fits-all legal approach to finding solutions to problems like these will often make them worse. Give us a vists

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Utah's High Divorce Rate

Utah’s divorce rate is 4.3 per 1,000 populations, slightly higher than the United States divorce rate of 4.1. Are you one of the 4.3? You're not alone, we can help!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Divorce For Men

At Kris K Greenwood LC, we understand and appreciate the issues men face in family law matters. We have always been zealous advocates for our male clients, and in fact often - out of necessity - we have worked harder for our male clients to ensure they receive a fair and just result. Our commitment to representing all clients regardless of the client's sex demonstrates our deep dedication to individual client service as opposed to serving a general cause. Our commitment in this regard also underscores our respect and dedication to our role as attorneys in the justice system. We are divorce for men attorneys and we continue to defend any groups that we feel are not treated fair or unequal.

Rather than presume the mother should get custody of the child, courts instead look at what custody arrangement is truly in the child's best interests. Rather than presume the woman should get maintenance, the courts look at the financial resources of both parties in order to determine if someone should receive maintenance. We see more men being awarded maintenance and child support.

Despite these changes, some law firms still only represent themselves as divorce for men in an effort to differentiate themselves in the marketplace. However, what is most important in the search for a family law attorney is not whether the attorney only represents men, but whether the attorney has the experience, talent, and resources to be an effective advocate.

To learn more about Kris K Greenwood LC,family law attorneys, please see our attorney profiles. Go to

Friday, July 30, 2010


Establishing paternity is essentially the process of determining the biological father of a particular child, and then legally establishing all of the associated rights, entitlements and duties. Paternity establishment may be necessary if the parents are unwed at the time the child is born. DNA testing now makes it possible to determine paternity with nearly 100% accuracy. Once paternity is established, then all related issues, including child support, insurance, medical bills, dental bills, child care, tax exemptions, etc. need to be resolved as well. With so many financial issues on the line, do not try and figure it out alone.

Call us now 801-475-8800 or go to , and we will educate you about all of your legal rights and options. The peace of mind that can result from knowing your rights and having a clear order on them is priceless.

Monday, July 12, 2010


Many times after divorces are granted, the parties experience a change in circumstances. Life altering events occur regularly, such as: a new marriage, moving out of the state or country, a new job with increased pay, etc. Re-evaluating these changes are important and necessary in many situations. Modifications to your Decree will also result in helpful and necessary changes so you can confidently move on with life. We do divorce modifications on a daily basis. It's important for you to know that the Utah Supreme Court has ruled, that in order to initiate a divorce modification there must be a substantial and material change in circumstances. We can help you understand exactly what this means, as well as help you prove it. We will review the facts of your case, organize them, and then articulate them in the proper way. We do our best to resolve modification out of court, but even if a court hearing is necessary, Kristopher K. Greenwood, L.C. is very aggressive and will fight for your rights. We know what to do! Call 801-475-8800 or go to

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Your home, land, rentals, equity, bank accounts, stock accounts, retirement accounts, insurance, vehicles, snowmobiles, trailers, ATV's, etc. all hang in the balance in a divorce. Many people don't realize how much they've actually accumulated throughout their marriage. There is a lot of money at stake! Not understanding the law regarding your property division is a huge mistake. One wrong move on this can, and will cost you thousands of dollars.

I guarantee you that your spouse will try and take advantage of you here – I see it on a daily basis. What is your best course of action in this situation? To call an experienced attorney who can help you evaluate all of your property, categorize it, and educate you regarding the law. There are many nuances here that can help you keep your property, for example: was it pre-marital, was it a gift, was it an inheritance, etc.

To be successful on these issues you must understand the law and have an experienced attorney on your side. Call us 801-475-8800 or go to to be confident that, with the help of Kristopher K. Greenwood, L.C. you will get what you deserve and keep what is rightfully yours.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Every parent feels a duty and desire to ensure the security of their children. How to support your minor child financially is a major issue in any divorce case. In Utah, the legislature has provided the Uniform Child Support table, which is where the child support calculation begins. The court next examines the income of both parties, as well as how custody is labeled (joint physical versus sole physical). Each of these issues are extremely important and can make a substantial difference regarding what you will pay or receive in child support each month. A great deal of money can be won or lost depending on each of these factors.

The attorneys at Kristopher K. Greenwood, L.C. are extremely experienced in this area and will help you understand the law and the critical implications surrounding this issue. We can and will help you accomplish your goals. Call 801-475-8800 or go to

Monday, June 28, 2010

Child Custody

In a divorce where children are involved, careful, strategic representation is important in making sure your child's (or children's) best interests are protected. This is far and away the most important issue you will ever deal with. In order to obtain what you want, you must understand the difference between physical custody versus legal custody. You must also understand the difference between sole custody versus joint custody. There are numerous factors that go into the court’s analysis of these issues and there are many things that you can do right now to improve your chances of success.

We have handled thousands of custody and parent-time cases, and know what must be done right now in order to maximize your results. Time is of the essence when tackling these critical issues. The sooner you retain a professional, the higher your chances of success in winning your custody dispute. Successfully resolving the issues of custody and parent-time are extremely important and are best handled by professionals with years of experience. The sooner you speak with a professional at Kristopher K. Greenwood, L.C. about the factors involved, the better off you will be. Simply understanding the rules of the game is half the battle. Don't wait another minute. Call us now so we can help!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What to do about the big D!

The decision to divorce is never an easy one. We at Kristopher K. Greenwood, L.C. understand it can be a very trying time for everyone involved. So many important issues surround your decision, not the least of which is how this will affect you and your children. Other important considerations involve the division of y...our real property, personal property, bank accounts, stock accounts, retirement accounts, health insurance, and everything you've worked so hard to obtain. The importance of employing a professional to help you sort it all out can’t be overstated. So many things hang in the balance, and there are significant legal ramifications if a mistake is made.

The attorneys at Kristopher K. Greenwood, LC have handled thousands of divorce cases and have the expertise and experience to help you through this situation. We pride ourselves on taking the time to educate and inform our clients regarding all of their legal rights and options. We give our clients a measure of peace during a very tumultuous time, enabling them to make informed decisions based on sound legal advice. With so many ways to proceed (in court, out of court, aggressively, non-aggressively, etc.) we are prepared to help you create a game plan that fits your specific situation and legal goals.

Go to or call 801-475-8800 for help.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Divorce Attorney Get AV Rating from Martindale-Hubbell

Kristopher K. Greenwood was just named by Martindale-Hubbell as "AV Rated" in the industry or "Preeminent". This is the highest possible rating!

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