Sunday, October 31, 2010

Experts in...

Our areas of practice include: Divorce, Child Custody, Parent-time (Visitation), Alimony (Spousal Support),Child Support, Property/Asset Division,Debt Division Divorce Modifications, Legal Separation, Adoptions and Paternity.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Helping You Through Your Divorce

Divorce has turned to be very common just like marriage. This is mainly because of the reflection on the bad side of humans. When a couple decides to get separated, they will definitely approach a divorce lawyer. Every state in America is having different rules on divorce. You will be in a complex task of finding the best divorce lawyer in the state to take up your divorce case. It is known to every one that when you begin your divorce procedures, you will not get any time to deal with many other aspects in your life and your life will be filled with many queries and answers. Definitely all the divorce proceedings are going to take long time to get completed. You can take an initiative from your side in order to complete the procedures within a short time frame. This can be done by assigning the job to an efficient divorce lawyer who will be able to handle your case in the most favorable situations. Kristopher K. Greenwood IS that efficient divorce lawyer.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The First Step is Calling Us...

If you are considering a divorce, it is vital that you know what your rights are. Give us a call, let us assist you.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Utah does reward for alimony. One of the main things that is considered when deciding on alimony is the standard of living, which exists at the time of separation. The court must consider all relevant facts and equitable principles and may, in its discretion, base alimony on the standard of living that existed at the time of trial. In marriages of short duration, when no children have been conceived or born during the marriage, the court may consider the standard of living that existed at the time of the marriage. Give us a call and let us help you with all you need to know about divorce and alimony.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Moving Laws

When either parent decides to move out of state, or at least 150 miles from their current residence, that parent shall provide 60 days advance written notice of the intended relocation to the other parent, if possible. Make sure you know your rights, let us help!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Divorce Settlement

The 3 Most Expensive Celebrity Divorce Settlements: #3-Steven Spielberg and Amy Irving, estimated settlement: $100 million. #2-Neil Diamond and Marcia Murphey, estimated settlement: $150 million. #1-Michael and Juanita Jordan, estimated pending settlement: well over $150 million. Whatever your potential settlement may be, big or small, let us help you get what you deserve.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Utah 90 Day Divorce Waiting Period!

Utah has a 90 day waiting period with most divorces and this can only be expidited in certain situations. Give us a call to see if we can help you.

Monday, October 4, 2010

One Size Fits All?

Most legal matters involving families can be painful and hard to deal with – even under what might be considered “good” circumstances. An inflexible, one-size-fits-all legal approach to finding solutions to problems like these will often make them worse. Give us a vists