Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Divorce Happens

NBA star Tony Parker and Eva Longoria Parker are getting divorced. Even NBA stars need good divorce attorneys and so do you! If you have made the difficult decision to divorce, you need us on your side!


Tuesday, November 23, 2010


While divorce transcends all age brackets, the U.S. Census Bureau recently reported that one-fourth of all divorces that occurred in 2008 were by parties married 20 years or longer.

Child custody isn't an issue with this group, it's all about cumalative property. Things can get really complicated. Don't go it alone! http://www.bestutahdivorcelawyer.com

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Is Mel Gibson a Fit Parent?

Mel Gibson is seeking sole custody of his child with Oksana Grigorieva. He has been all over the news lately for his rants, threats and allegations against him for domestic violence. Do you think he should be granted sole custody? Divorce and custody attorneys are experienced in dealing with situations just like Mel's, and you need them on your side if you ever decide that divorce is the only answer to yours. Give us a call.


Monday, November 15, 2010

Divorce Modifications

Many times after divorces are granted, the parties experience a change in circumstances. Life altering events occur regularly, such as: a new marriage, moving out of the state or country, a new job with increased pay, etc. Re-evaluating these changes are important and necessary in many situations. Modifications to your Decree will also result in helpful and necessary changes so you can confidently move on with life. We do divorce modifications on a daily basis. It's important for you to know that the Utah Supreme Court has ruled, that in order to initiate a divorce modification there must be a substantial and material change in circumstances. We can help you understand exactly what this means, as well as help you prove it. We will review the facts of your case, organize them, and then articulate them in the proper way. We do our best to resolve modification out of court, but even if a court hearing is necessary, Kristopher K. Greenwood, L.C. is very aggressive and will fight for your rights. We know what to do!


Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Establishing paternity is essentially the process of determining the biological father of a particular child, and then legally establishing all of the associated rights, entitlements and duties. Paternity establishment may be necessary if the parents are unwed at the time the child is born. DNA testing now makes it possible to determine paternity with nearly 100% accuracy. Once paternity is established, then all related issues, including child support, insurance, medical bills, dental bills, child care, tax exemptions, etc. need to be resolved as well. With so many financial issues on the line, do not try and figure it out alone. Call us now, and we will educate you about all of your legal rights and options. The peace of mind that can result from knowing your rights and having a clear order on them is priceless. Contact us and let us help you work through your issues with paternity.
